Apply to Wonderview
Welcome to Wonderview, a traditional classical school rooted in Protestant Christian beliefs. Our philosophy revolves around the idea that knowledge is a precious gift that brings us closer to God as we learn more about His world.
We offer two options: a two-day or three-day program led by our experienced teachers, with the remaining parent-led days being conducted at home.
Application Steps
1. Attend an informational session: Our informational sessions take place in November and January and allow you to learn about Wonderview and meet teachers and staff.
2. Pray as a family to ascertain whether you feel that a partnership with Wonderview will be beneficial to your family, your student(s), and the Wonderview School community
3. Criteria For Application Consideration - Round 1
To be considered for our first round of decisions, your family must complete the following steps by January 2, 2024:
Attend one of the November Info Sessions.
Submit the application and application fee.
Complete the family interview documentation.
Round 2 will run January 29th - February 28th
4. Family Interview: You will be contacted to complete the family interview process after attending an info session and submitting an application.
5. Once the interview process has been completed, each family will receive a letter informing you of Wonderview's decision.
6. Register for the academic year: Accepted families may formally register and claim their spot.
7. Parents attend a summer training session before school begins. This meeting time will help lay the groundwork for your collaborative school experience and help better prepare your family for any adjustments that may take place in this non-traditional form of education. Training in the use of specific curricula will also occur at this time.